Autor: P B
Grand Prix Bern Inter & Swiss Cup Basel
The two tournaments Grand Prix Bern Inter (27.10.-29.10.2023) & Swiss Cup Basel (03.11.-05.11.2023) have aligned the dates. So teams can play two tournaments within 10 days and optimize their travel costs.
Date of Grand Prix 2023 is set
The Grand Prix 2023 takes place from 27 to 29 October 2023.
Italy (Retornaz) winner of the 25th Grand Prix Bern Inter 2022
Italy (Retornaz) (Joel Retornaz (Skip), Amos Mosaner (no.3), Sebastiano Arman (no. 2), Mattia Giovanella (no.1)) beat in the final game Netherlands (Goesgens) (Wouter Gösgens (Skip), Jaap van Dorp (no.3 ), Laurens Hoekman (no. 2), Tobias van den Hurk (no.1 )). Score: 8 : 3
Scotland (Bryce) winner of the Consolation- Cup 2022
Scotland (Cameron Bryce (Skip), Duncan Menzies (no. 3), Luke Carson (no. 2), Robin McCall (no. 1)) beat Italy (Colli) in the final of the Consolation-Cup.
Final games (starting at 14:30)
1./2. Place: Italy (Retornaz) vs Netherlands (Gösgens); 3./4. Place: Schaffhausen (Schnider) vs Zug (Stocker)
Schaffhausen (Schnider) vs Italy (Retornaz) / Zug (Stocker) vs Netherlands (Gösgens)
The quarter-finalists have been determined
Sweden (Nymann) vs Schaffhausen (Schnider) / Italy (Retornaz) vs Scotland (Craik) / Glarus (Hösli) vs Zug (Stocker) / Netherlands (Gösgens) vs Glarus (Schwaller)
The Programme 2022 is available
Please view the Programme 2022 by following this link
Invitation to the Grand Prix Bern Inter (28.-30. October 2022)
Please find more information in this Flyer. The registration process is managed by a new system. To access the site please use the link embedded in the flyer. The system should then generate a confirmation of the receipt of the inscription within 24 hours. If a team does not receive any confirmation email within this Read More …
Glarus Belvédère (Hösli) winner of the 24th Grand Prix Bern Inter 2021
Glarus Belvédère AM (Yves Stocker (Skip), Philipp Hösli (no.4), Marco Hefti (no. 2), Justin Hausherr (no.1)) beat in the final game Germany 1 (Sixten Totzek (Skip), Marc Muskatewitz (no.3 ), Joshua Sutor (no. 2), Dominik Greindl (no.1 )). Score: 8 : 3