Autor: P B
The Grand Prix 2020 is cancelled
Due to stricter Corona-measures in the canton of Berne, the curling hall had to close the doors per 24 October for probably four weeks. Unfortunately this makes it impossible to hold the Grand Prix this year. We apologize and would like to thank to all the teams who applied for the tournament.
Italy 1 (Retornaz) winner of the 23rd Grand Prix Bern Inter 2019
Italy 1 (Joel Retornaz (Skip), Amos Mosaner (no.3), Sebastiano Arman (no. 2), Simone Gonin (no.1)) beat in the final game Scotland (Ross Whyte (Skip), Robin Brydone (no.3 ), Duncan MacFadzean (no. 2), Euan Kyte (no.1 )) Score: 5 : 4
Sweden (Magnusson) winner of the Consolation-Cup 2019
Sweden (Daniel Magnusson (Skip), Robin Ahlberg (no. 3), Anton Regosa (no. 2), Sebastian Jones (no. 1)) beat the Team Glarus Open Air (Rios) in the final of the Consolation-Cup.
Coming soon…
Pictures from the Grand Prix